Local Law 97
LL97 established carbon emission limits for NYC's largest buildings. Covered buildings that exceed annual emissions limits will face an annual financial penalty.
Under LL97, most buildings over 25,000 square feet will be required to meet new energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions limits by 2024, with stricter limits coming into effect in 2030.
For Building Owners
The challenge for building owners is to keep their building's emissions below the limits set by LL97; and optimizing the building's energy usage is the most expedient way to do this.
Knowing how much energy your building uses, how efficiently your building uses energy and how to identify what options are available are the keys to addressing LL97.
Early planning will make the decision-making process much easier and will directly relate to better results.
We can help you create a tailored approach unique to your building's needs and identify the options available to reduce energy, GHG emissions and the associated LL97 fines for your buildings.
Perform an initial FREE Inspection & Consulting Service
Understand the penalties for non compliance
Know the necessary upgrades to avoid fines